How to Get Hands-on Experience on AWS, Azure, and GCP

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Cloud-related skills that are meaningful require more than just book information. Experience in the field is needed to transfer knowledge into practical outcomes. This is a fact that we often see in research on how children and adults learn best performing the actual task that is the most important factor. Interactive Labs or Lab Competitions provide users quick and simple access to actual cloud deployments that allow you to gain hands-on experience immediately.

What are lab challenges?

Lab Challenges are hands-on labs that take gloves off. You enter an automated cloud environment and are assigned a task to achieve within a set time. There aren’t any instructions or hints. It’s like solving problems in a workplace.

It’s normal to be overwhelmed, and that’s exactly the point. When you’re required to work things out by yourself, then you’ll be more successful in remembering information. This can be helpful when you’re required to use your skills in the workplace and also on certification tests. To showcase your skills and work experience, it’s better you get your AWS, GCP, or Azure certification.

Don’t let yourself be stranded when you try to finish your Lab Challenge. Any time, you can check the progress of your work through checks to check the status that is in your Lab environment.

Effective cloud-based skills are more than just a book’s worth of information. Practical experience is necessary to translate the knowledge into concrete outcomes. This is a fact that we often see in studies on how kids and adults learn best -doing the actual task of learning is the most important factor. Interactive Labs, as well as Lab Challenges, offer users quick and simple access to cloud-based deployments that are real to give you hands-on experience immediately.

What exactly are Hands-on Labs?

Hands-on Labs are cloud environments that let users gain knowledge by using Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and other technologies in real-time. Without additional fees, accounts, or resources for the cloud to be deployed, Hands-on Labs are the ideal way to get started with cloud computing risk-free. The hands-on approach can be taken to a level that is cringeworthy; it is possible to play around with your hands without actually making them dirty.

What are the steps to follow? Do hands-on Labs work?

It’s easy. You simply…

  • Choose a lab
  • Click a button to begin the lab
  • You will be given credentials for your cloud-based environment
  • Follow a hyperlink, sign in, and leave!

Are you interested in seeing actual labs working? Do you have just three minutes?

Look over the two lab snippets that quickly guide you through some labs.

What’s a good Lab Challenge example?

You can take a look at your options for The AWS Developer Tool Challenge. You’ll be thrown into a scenario that has an error in your Data Pipeline, and you’ll have to determine the cause and correct it within the timeframe of 90 minutes.

As we’ve mentioned, the task you’ll have to tackle will involve finding and fixing a flaw in production and making a variety of changes to the CI/CD platform within AWS. Be assured that we will assist you and don’t be able to help you out.

Here’s a sample of assessments you’ll have the ability to perform as you move throughout the laboratory. In an actual situation, you’ll be able to receive some advice regardless of whether your boss or coworker is busy clearing out fires.

What if the obstacles are too difficult?

If you think you require more time to practice before you take on the actual test, we recommend you go through the course with a guide or look through the Learning Library to find related content.

The benefits of learning through labs

The hands-on approach to learning offers a lot of advantages. Let’s list them out:

Limit the blast radius

If you are working in a sandboxed environment, then you are able to change your work and make huge mistakes that will not affect the environment you work in. It is possible to focus on learning only. A typical production environment does not provide these kinds of guardrails.

Live access to training environments.

You may be in the simulation of your actual work environment, but don’t make a mistake that you’re in the real cloud training environment created specifically for you.

Instructions with a guide

Labs give you step-by-step instructions so that you can test your skills repeatedly. You can also try making your own modifications as well.

Verified learning

In the context of a bigger training plan, the labs are a great way to prove the fact that your staff members and you know how to use the cloud in a practical way.

Copy your tech stack

Customized Hands-on Labs enable you to provide training experiences that are similar to the technology and the architecture your team members are using. Content Engine lets you duplicate an existing Hands-on Lab, choose the base environment, then alter the steps.

That’s it. A plunge in the water is the most effective method to learn to navigate the turbulent waters of the technology landscape. Lab Challenges and hands-on labs will provide you with the training and the right amount of structure to help you achieve your learning goals.


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