Advantages of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses

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We live in a digital age, wherein we are all continually striving to build a remote workforce. In a situation like this, shifting to the cloud is truly a no-brainer. Now, the big question that might be hovering in your head is, what is cloud computing? To put it in the most straightforward manner, cloud computing s the computing that happens on the internet. Let us explain this by putting across a transition.

Back in time, users would run the programs or apps via software on their server or computer in their complex by employing the data that is also present with them on that server or computer. However, in the case of cloud computing, users can run the same apps and their data using the internet.  

This technology has been amongst us for somewhere around twenty years, but it saw massive popularity in the last five years. It is probably accredited to our aggravated reliance and data usage. The fun fact is a lot of you already use cloud computing without even realizing it. For instance, you use cloud computing to stream a movie on OTT platforms like Prime Video or Netflix. At the same time, if you use the bank’s application to check your bank statement, that also falls under cloud computing. For a small business enterprise, cloud computing is incredibly vital. It can help you overcome several business challenges. It is all cloud computing, from employing apps for work management to firing off emails on the go. So, the gist is – The use of cloud computing is inevitable. But what are the pros of it? Let us find out some of the key pros of cloud computing for small businesses.  

It adds to the flexibility and makes collaboration easier

‘It goes without saying the primary advantage of cloud computing is the kind of flexibility that it brings to your business,’ comments Gregg, an associate with TopAssignmentExperts. 

What Gregg means here is, irrespective of what you do, there will always be a cloud-computing application, which can aid in improving the efficiency of the tasks. Some of the low-fee apps that allow seamless cloud computing communication and collaboration include GSuite or Slack. These were also the most used apps during the pandemic as they allow the users to log in and work together remotely from any corner of the world.  

It is not the communication-based apps alone that employ cloud computing. Other apps include Quickbooks for workflow and payroll management, or Freshbooks integrated with Gusto for accounting. Overall, with the adaptation of cloud computing, it is easier for you to solve the business process problems fast by including new tools in your toolkit. 

Disaster recovery and backup is well taken care of 

‘For every business, regardless of its size, it is vital to invest in solid data recovery methods. Unfortunately, it is a pricey process, and often the small businesses do not have the expertise and the money to do so. With cloud computing, businesses can get it done at a more affordable price,’ states Jerry, an associate with TFTH. 

Cloud computing can save them time and prevent large investments that would have otherwise gone in seeking third-party backup assistance.  

It ensures automatic updates and better security

If all your apps and tools are run from in-house servers, securing and maintaining the tasks becomes easier. For businesses, it is also vital to monitor and secure the data network and guard it against hackers. Thanks to cloud computing, you get better security as your service providers handle all the related security and maintenance tasks for you. Hence, you will always have the most recent version of the software implemented. 

It boosts performance and scalability

Cloud technology is crafted to be scaled and cater to evolving IT requirements. With the constant growth in company functions, the need for greater bandwidth and storage space is mandatory. In addition, it helps in keeping up with the increasing traffic on your website. Cloud servers can be auto deployed to enable businesses to scale up and down and assure excellent performance despite heavy traffic. 

‘Small businesses cannot ignore cloud computing as it goes a long way in eliminating downtime and improving the website loading speed, points out Chris, an associate with EduWorldUSA. 

It is environment friendly

Today all businesses are keen on doing their best as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. They aspire to maintain a small carbon footprint, and cloud computing can be a big help there, as it is indeed an eco-friendly method. When you employ a pay-per-use environment to operate web apps and store data, you utilize less energy. Consequently, the carbon emissions are also less. In addition, cloud computing also aids in lowering the need for physical hardware. So, naturally, your will need lower IT equipment in your workspace.

So, these are the top five advantages of cloud computing for small businesses. This is not all, and the benefits are humongous. So, if you are a small business, cloud computing is the way to go.

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