Alternative Gravity Theory to Planet 9 Could Overturn Physics

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A new study explores how an alternative theory to the hypothetical Planet 9 could reshape gravitational science. The research examines anomalies in the Kuiper Belt through a theory called Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND).

The Kuiper Belt, full of asteroids and comets at the solar system‘s edge, displays odd orbital behaviors. These quirks spawned the Planet 9 theory in 2016 – a claimed ninth planet explains the dynamics.

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But the new study proposes the anomalies may instead stem from MOND gravity, not a new planet. MOND alters physics to explain galaxies’ fast spins without dark matter.

So could MOND gravitational effects, not an undiscovered world, cause Kuiper Belt irregularities? That paradigm shift could overhaul gravity as we know it.

Study Tests Planet 9 Theory Against Radical MOND Ideas

Authors Harsh Mathur and Katherine Brown initially sought to reinforce Planet 9 using Kuiper data. But findings didn’t eliminate MOND, proposing the Milky Way’s gravity over eons tilted Kuiper objects’ orbits.

The alignments with the galaxy were striking. But small datasets mean more research is needed. Planet 9 remains possible, though MOND’s potential is exciting.

The Kuiper Belt Serves as Ideal Gravity Lab

Mathur and Brown hope this motivates expanded research into fundamental physics. The solar system’s edge provides the perfect gravity laboratory.

Even if Planet 9 stands, pushing gravity theories will enable breakthroughs. The anomalies highlight how little we understand our cosmic backyard.

The study demonstrates space still offers immense room for discovery. Solving Kuiper riddles could reshape gravity beyond Newton and Einstein. This new frontier beckons.

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