Benefits of Using Video in Digital Marketing for Your Business

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All thanks to an online video editor, your video marketing endeavor will be a real success! Not convinced about using videos in your digital marketing strategy? Well, go through some of your favorite brands to know how they have used videos to secure a better position in the market. For instance, you’ll realize that most of them have used premium video transitions for Premiere Pro and premium video editing tools that guarantee to help them save time on their video edits and get remarkable results quickly and easily.

Videos are the future, and the future is right here, with more and more video editing tools being introduced in the market. These tools offer marketers the option to use the best video templates for creating marketing videos of the highest quality.

All said and done, those who are still not convinced about the benefits of using videos in digital marketing should go through the results obtained from studies. Research says that 81% of businesses use videos as the most effective tool for promotion.

The numbers alone speak of the advantages of including videos in a business’s digital marketing campaign. Here are some of the most tangible benefits:

1. Increases On-Site Traffic

Ask the companies investing in videos, and they will tell you how they have boosted their on-site traffic. Reports suggest that 86% of the marketers claim that video marketing has helped them increase traffic on their sites.

Again, 83% of marketers say that videos have increased the dwell time of the visitors on their sites. These figures are quite significant considering what it means for online businesses if they are able to add even a single new visitor to their site every day.

Not only this, an increase of even a second in the dwell time of a visitor on-site is of huge significance for businesses. Each touchpoint offers customers more information regarding a brand and what it has on offer.

2. Bolsters the Search Rankings of a Site

The rankings of sites on the major search engines and videos always go hand in hand. Including videos on the landing page of a site improves the dwell time of the visitors on that particular site.

This metric alone indicates the relevance and the quality of a website; hence search engines use it as one of the major ranking factors. Simple for the online business owners- including a video on your site; improve the dwell time of the visitors on your site and thus improve your search engine rankings.

Remember: Website pages containing rich media in the form of videos increase 3 times more backlinks than pages with plain texts and posts.

3. Builds Trust

Online business owners will be well aware that they will not be able to create their own standing in the market if they fail to secure the buyers’ trust. Trust remains the foundation of major conversions and even sales. Hence, building trust should be the main motive of any business.

Content marketing is all about building trust and long-term relations. Hence, online businesses that have taken up digital marketing should stop creating sales pitches. Instead, they should work on providing useful and interesting information about their products and services through videos.

4. Engages and Ignites the Emotions of the Viewers

A promotional video presentation is good at fostering trust. There are many prospective customers who are skeptical about purchasing certain products and services online. That’s because they fear cheating and fraud.

Nevertheless, a highly effective marketing video presents products in the most conversational form. They are good at creating the personality of a brand or company, enabling businesses to connect with the viewers.

Businesses do not know, but 90% of the viewers agree that product videos helped them with the final decision-making process. On the part of online businesses, the more videos they use to educate and inform the customers, the more they will build trust.

And remember, trust translates into sales!

5. Videos in Digital Marketing Help in Improving SEM

There are many algorithms that Google uses for detecting whether a certain web page should appear for a specific search query. Adding videos to a business web page can help in improving the metrics of such algorithms.

Putting in a video on your web page means an automatic increase in the time users spends on your site. That’s because they watch the content and thus stick around the site. On the other hand, websites putting plain text on their walls will automatically put off the visitors, making them click off to the other sites.

Adding videos to content will improve the overall content quality and generate top-quality backlinks. These play an important role in improving a site’s ranking and in increasing traffic on the same.

6. Videos are Perfect for the Mobile Users

Considering that smartphones are now available everywhere, it works for businesses to include videos in their digital marketing campaigns. There are more and more people watching videos on their mobile devices.

Reports suggest that 88% of the short videos are watched till the end. Thus, they automatically create an awareness of the brands using this form of marketing to put forward their products and services to prospective clients.

7. Videos Are Good for Explaining Complicated Subjects

Calling all those businesses out there dealing in complex products and services- you must definitely include videos in your digital marketing plan, so the viewers get a better understanding of the same.

Visual content is more effective than written content. Businesses using videos to explain their complex products and services are successful in keeping people on their sites.

Over time, when people clearly understand such complicated products and services, the chances are that they make the final decision in support of the company presenting the videos.

The increase in conversion rate is also because there is a cut down in the hours required for answering common queries of the customers regarding a certain product or service.

Final Thoughts

If you are the owner of a business and want your business to stay in perfect tune with the trends and the times, you must definitely include videos in your digital marketing campaign.

Remember, customers, favor brands that are up-to-date with the latest mediums of marketing!

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