How to get more Twitter followers? It’s an age-old social media question. The truth is that there isn’t a straightforward solution.
Some folks chance to make a post that becomes wildly popular and earn a boatload of new followers as a result. Others chance to be offline at the right time and capture something fantastic on tape for their 15 minutes of fame, causing a flood of people to hit the follow button.
But that’s like winning the lottery on social media. You can’t guarantee that a tweet will go viral by planning or scheduling it.
So, what are your options? Let’s look at some easy ways to increase your Twitter following.
In this article, we’ll show you how to get more Twitter followers in 10 simple steps. We’ll break down exactly how to obtain more Twitter followers in this brief article.
Here are our top 8 tips:
- Frequently tweet
- Make the most of your posting time.
- Use hashtags when posting visual content.
- Respond to tweets using replies, retweets, and hashtags.
- Make a profile that is inviting.
- Determine who your network’s followers are.
- Increase the number of people who follow you on social media sites other than Twitter.
- Draw in followers outside of Twitter
- Avoid Spamming
- Keep an eye on what’s going on

Tweet, tweet, tweet
Isn’t this self-evident? Tweet. Add content to your profile. Make a contribution to Twitter’s community.
People follow accounts because they’re curious about what they’re tweeting. If you tweet frequently, you’ll see an increase in your follower count because there’s more stuff to catch people’s attention.
Obviously, you should not tweet endless gibberish. Whether it’s entertainment or knowledge, add value. Add some multimedia to the equation: Upload video, share links and embed photographs.
Life happens; we all require rest and relaxation. I’m not suggesting you turn into a tweeting machine that sends out tweets every hour on the hour. However, if your most recent tweet was a “Happy New Year” message that rang in 2017, don’t be surprised if you don’t have a following in the 2020s.
The number of followers on an active account will increase.
Keep an eye on what’s going on
“What’s going on?” Twitter asks each user every day, right at the top of their feed.
Because Twitter is a news platform, this is the case. You don’t have to be a news junkie or run one of those “BREAKING” accounts that constantly share news source links. Simply listen to what other users are saying and what themes are on the platform’s popular topics list.
Maybe there’s a way to connect your niche to current events? If you tweet a lot about horror movies and the trailer for the latest major scary movie just came out, that can work to your advantage and give you some ideas for what to tweet.
If you have something valuable to add to a hot conversation, do so!
Avoid spamming
Yes, trends can aid in the discovery of your tweets. However, don’t be a jerk about it.
Don’t even consider using those terms to spam a trending topic in a completely unrelated tweet. This will not attract new followers and will most likely result in some of your current followers unfollowing you.
Hashtags are the same way. Your tweets should not clog up a hashtag search. People use them to keep track of events or subjects. (As an aside, you should probably think about whether or not you want to use hashtags at all.) They’re a thing of the past.)
You won’t earn followers by spamming people’s feeds with off-topic self-promotion. You will, in fact, lose them.
Keep in mind when you’re tweeting
Hardcore social media experts pore over their Twitter data, looking for the hour and day of the week when their material receives the greatest attention. If you really want to, you can do some serious math.
However, you are not obligated to do so. You don’t have to be a big data expert to understand how society works.
If you’re trying to build a following on the West Coast, it’s probably not a good idea to tweet at 8 a.m. ET. If you’re running a business-oriented Twitter account, you probably don’t want your high-quality content to go live on Labor Day.
Obviously, there are a lot of evergreen niches, which means you can tweet whenever you want and get responses. Don’t be surprised if the replies to your 3 a.m. tweets from NYC on a Sunday night are largely from a bunch of Australians wasting the time at the end of the workday.
Set up your account properly
It’s not enough to have a Twitter @ handle.
If you don’t want to use your own photo, change your avatar to something more personal. While you’re at it, add a header image.
Also, finish your bio. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please Include information that will let readers know what they may expect from this account and what you’ve learned.
Do you enjoy football? Let folks know about it. Will you be releasing any of your new original knitting patterns? You should include that in your bio! You’d be shocked how much one’s profile influences whether or not another person follows them.
A thorough profile also aids in the appropriate placement of your account in Twitter’s search results, making it easier for other users to locate you.
Make sure you’re not a bot
On Twitter, there are several fantastic automatic accounts that post high-quality, hilarious stuff 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
But don’t do it unless you have a unique idea for a themed account that can be managed by a bot. That is not the case when it comes to sending automated answers or direct messages to new followers. Don’t utilize bots or automated systems to tweet for you; instead, be a real person. Interact with individuals when it’s suitable to demonstrate that you’re a real person.
And, for the love of God, if your Twitter handle is the default first name and a bunch of numbers that Twitter offers for you, change it. You have the appearance of a robot.
People should be followed
We’re not talking about those “follow back” schemes in which you reciprocate with someone who follows you, resulting in 30,000 followers and 30,000 individuals you’re following. That has no meaning for anyone.
Even if they don’t follow you back, follow accounts that you find intriguing. Curate your own Twitter feed so you may benefit from what others are saying. You’ll find interesting content on your own.
You’ll then interact with these people by replying to their tweets and discussing what they’re saying. This can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field among other members of the Twitter community. You’ll definitely get a follow-back someday, but you’ll have earned it this way, and your new follower will genuinely pay attention to what you publish in the future.
Last but not least…
Organically expand your account
Followers should not be purchased. Simply put, don’t do that.
There are numerous services where you may pay money and obtain thousands of followers in a matter of hours. What’s the best way for all those great Twitter users to find you? They aren’t. To provide the impression of being a popular Twitter user, many of these websites utilize hacked accounts or create tens of thousands of phony identities.
Have you ever seen a Twitter account with hundreds of thousands of followers but only one retweet and two likes every tweet? It’s because they’re using paid followers to make it look real. It’s untrustworthy, and actual individuals who stumble across your profile can see right through it.
More visual content is needed
As you may be aware, tweets with visual content receive more likes, shares, and retweets than those that do not.
As a result, marketers should make an effort to include an image with their tweets. Although text-only tweets have nothing intrinsically wrong with them, graphics are better suited to halt serial scrollers and encourage people to read your content.
Master the Tagging, Retweeting, and Replying Techniques
Getting more Twitter followers doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process: it simply entails making the most of your time on the platform.
Yes, you can and should schedule tweets in order to maximize engagement. At the same time, you don’t want your Twitter account to appear to be entirely controlled by bots.
You must join your fans, customers, and industry leaders in the trenches. Engaging with other users on a regular basis via tagging, retweeting, and replying shows new followers that you’re human and draws more attention to your brand.
Let’s imagine you’re reacting to another brand’s tweet in an attempt to gain their attention. A thorough, meaningful response will attract more potential followers than a quick one-word one.
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